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59. The concept of discrimination in humans destroyed by Islam. 

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59. The concept of discrimination in humans destroyed by Islam.

During the pilgrimage of Haj, on the ninth day of the month of Dhul Hajj all the pilgrims congregate at ‘Arafat’ an open space camp, but the people of the Quraish clan who considered themselves superior to others camped at a place called as ‘Mujthalifa’,which is within the boundary of the holy place of worship (Haram), and ‘Arafat' is out of the limits of the ‘holy place of worship.’ 

The people belonging to the higher clan prevented those below from entering the precincts of ‘Mujthalifa’ during Haj. They considered ‘Arafat’ as a place allotted to hold lesser people.

Islam put an end to this practice of discrimination. Verse (2:199) commanded Prophet Muhammad and people belonging to superior clans to camp at ‘Arafat’ along with others.

Islam buried the concept of discrimination based on birth, by bringing people together at a place allotted for the marginalized.

We can also refer hadith books Bukhari (4520) and Muslim regarding this. 

This verse also proves Quran as word of God. 

To know more about how everyone is equal by birth equality, and brotherhood please refer explanation points 11, 32, 49, 141, 168, 182, 227, 290, 368, 508

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