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41.Do people, killed while fighting in the way of Al-Mighty remain alive?

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41.Do people, killed while fighting in the way of Al-Mighty remain alive?

The verses (2:154, 3:169) say “Do not call those killed while fighting in the way of Al-Mighty as dead, and do not consider them as dead and gone”. This verse has been misconstrued by a few Muslims. Who say this verse is a proof to pray to saints and great souls and believe they remain alive even after death. This is wrong for many reasons. No human can decide whether a soul is great or ignominious. There is clarification regarding this in explanation point No;215. We can easily recognize the great souls identified by Allah and His messengers. But the same does not mean to worship or celebrate them. These verses do not authorize anyone to worship or celebrate such personalities whether identified by Allah and his messengers or not. These verses also encourage people not to hesitate in doing good even at the cost of their lives. We should first understand that after the revelation of this message Prophet Muhammad and his companions did not invoke the names of people killed in the battles nor did they pray to them. If we carefully analyse these verses, we can find that the explanations offered by them are erroneous. Verse 2:154 says “They are alive” and additionally we find “however you will not sense”. The fact that they are alive could not be perceived the way we imagine them to be, but it is conveyed here in a different sense. They are alive in a sense we cannot perceive is the message of this verse. Verse 3:169 and the four verses following it assert this clearly. Verse 3:169 says “They are alive with their Lord”. This means though they are dead in our perception Al-Mighty perceives them as alive is the message. The explanations given by Prophet Muhammad regarding this verse is very important. When we queried Prophet Muhammad about how the souls of those dead can exist, he replied their souls remain embodied in green birds that fly around freely in paradise. Narrator: Ibnu Masood Book Muslim: 3834. Only after the Judgement would any human enter paradise, is the answer why the souls of martyrs are embodied in green birds. Despite Prophet Muhammad’s crystal-clear explanations about the status of people killed fighting in the way of Allah some choose to allude a mislead direct meaning to it. There is no other apt explanation other than that is given by Prophet Muhammad regarding souls of people killed (Martyrs) fighting in the way of Allah. If some people argue that martyrs are still alive similar as we are, do they have answers they have for the following questions: - Can the legal heirs divide the properties of the deceased martyr, can the wife of the deceased martyr go for re-marriage. The answer from them will be a ‘yes’. So, we come to understand from their reply that they agree they (martyrs) are dead. Even on the assumption that martyrs are alive and not dead, can we pray to a living person? Has he inherited the attributes of Allah? Can we pray to somebody who is living with us? Prophet Esa is still alive and can be seen in verses 4:157-159, 5:75, 43:61 of the Quran. Prophet Esa while in this world performed many miracles with the grace of Allah, we Muslims who believe the activities of Christians in their prayer meetings calling Prophet Esa to heal sick, lame, blind people as wrong, could justify praying to dead persons and people who are not equal even to Prophet Esa. One should pray for help only to the All-Sustainer. You cannot pray to anyone just for the reason he or she is alive. Whether a person was killed fighting in the way of God, or he fought garner pride only the Almighty knows We cannot conclude a person died in the way of Allah is explained in the Explanation point No;215. There are hundreds of verses which say that we should not pray for help to anyone other than Allah. They are:- 2:186, 3:38, 7:29, 7:55, 7:56, 7:180, 7:194, 7:197, 10:12, 10:106, 13:14, 14:39, 14:40, 16:20, 17:56, 17:110, 19:4, 21:90, 22:12, 22:13, 22:62, 22:73, 23:117, 27:62, 31:30, 35:13, 35:14, 35:40, 39:38, 40:12, 40:20, 40:60, 40:66, 46:4, 46:5 The belief of these people go against the tenets of these verses. Please refer to Explanation points 17, 49, 79, 83, 100, 104, 121, 122, 140, 141, 193, 213, 215, 245, 269, 298, 327, 397, 427, 471 to understand how justification of Darga worship is wrong. 

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