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39. The importance of following Prophet Muhammad’s guidance pointed out in the change of the direction of the Qibla.

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39. The importance of following Prophet Muhammad’s guidance pointed out in the change of the direction of the Qibla.

In the beginning days prophethood Prophet Muhammad performed his worship facing the Qibla. Later the commandment to change the direction of Qibla was revealed. About the change Allah says in the verses 2:142-145 of the Quran for about 17 months after prophethood Prophet Muhammad faced Qibla (The direction) of Baitul-Muqhaddas to offer worship. Later the change in direction to face during worship was commanded in verses (2:142-145) of the Quran. This is the message that is conveyed directly in this verse. In these verses we find that, just as we see the Quran as the absolute evidence of authentication for all things in Islam so is the explanations of Prophet Muhammad. Let’s look at it. Take for instance the first verse 2:142. Says “Some of the ignorant in men will question why the Muslims turned away from the already existing Qibla? So from this verse we come to understand that Muslims were initially facing a particular direction (Qibla) while offering worship and later on changed the direction of their worship was criticized by ignorant Taking this message into consideration let’s go on and look at verse 2:144.saying ‘Oh Muhammad we see your earning face looking up towards the heaven, We will surely change the direction (Qibla) as you desire.’ Prophet Muhammad desired and longed that Qibla (the direction to face during worship) be changed to the previous one as was faced by earlier Muslims. The reason why Prophet Muhammad looked up to the heavens frequently. Here we see that Allah fulfilled the desire of Prophet Muhammad by commanding to face the earlier Qibla during worship. The fact that Muslims faced a Qibla earlier during their worship and subsequent changes in the directions took place with the commandments of Allah is doubtless. The commandment to change the direction (Qibla) can be seen in Verse 2:144. But a commandment specifying the earlier direction cannot be seen in the Quran. Only the message that Muslims earlier faced a different Qibla is being conveyed here. When there is no commandment in the Quran about the earlier Qibla is the thinking of Prophet Muhammad announcing the same on his own true? Allah says that ‘We fixed the earlier direction (Qibla) for worship’ in the following verse. wherein He says “to differentiate between those who follow you (Muhammad) and those turned their backs to follow their old ways We fixed the direction (Qibla) you earlier faced. Al-Quran (2:143). Moreover, had Prophet Muhammad fixed the earlier direction (Qibla) on his own nothing stops him from reversing the change and there was no need for him to look up at the heavens often as mentioned in the Quran. The commandment to face the earlier direction is a fact, and the fact that He commanded to face at the first instance is not there in the Quran is also a fact. The third fact that all commandments from Allah need not necessarily be present in the Quran is a reality. Allah without the help of archangel Jibreel can put in the heart of Prophet Muhammad certain messages, and these are commandments of Allah is the third fact. When we analyze all these facts, we come to understand that messages from Allah in various other ways reached Prophet Muhammad and based on those messages Prophet Muhammad had faced the earlier direction (Qibla) and was awaiting its reversal is rendered clear. This is also evidence that a ‘wahee’ other than the Quran was there. People who contend that the Quran is sufficient to follow Islamic way of life cannot cite a verse from the Quran commanding to face the direction (Qibla). Moreover, we need to ponder about the verse (2:143) wherein Allah says in the Quran Muslims turned their face towards the Qibla “on My commandment.” Some may pose a question of the necessity for Allah to convey messages other than the Quran. The answer to such a question lies in the verse itself, that is too emphatically. ‘To differentiate the people who turn their backs on you and those who follow you we fixed the direction (Qibla) you face (for worship). What a wonderful phrase, looks like it has been revealed to people who say the Quran alone is sufficient to substantiate Islam. Though the commandment of having fixed the earlier Qibla cannot be found in the Quran, the message ‘we fixed the earlier Qibla is there. Even though there are certain things not found in the Quran, there are people who come forward to act based on the steadfast belief and aware the messenger of God will not speak his self-desires? And the ones who turned their backs on Prophet Muhammad? This message seems like it was revealed to show the differences between the two. It looks like Allah has deliberately revealed this commandment through Prophet Muhammad and not through the Quran to point out that the guidance from the Prophet indeed is His commandment and the prophet accepted it, we come to understand. Hence it needs to be taken the words of the Quran and Prophet’s guidance both are necessary. Please refer explanation 18, 36, 50, 55, 56, 57, 60, 67, 72, 105, 125, 127, 128, 132, 154, 164, 184, 244, 255, 256, 258, 286, 318, 350, 352, 358, 430. 40 to know more about the commandments of the Quran and to follow the guidance of Prophet Muhammad. The two different critical reviews about Qibla. On reaching Madinah Prophet Muhammad started facing Bait-ul-Maqdis, in Jerusalem during his worship. This was also the Qibla of the Jews. This was critically reviewed differently by two sects of people. ‘He says he is guided by the actions of Prophet Ibrahim’ but why is he not facing the Qibla of Prophet Ibrahim (i.e., Makkah) was the question put by its people, the Qibla of Prophet Ibrahim, he says Judaism is wrong but is facing the Qibla of the Jews’ Had there been a commandment from Allah to change the Qibla, the squirming whenever criticisms from the two sects is directed towards him could be avoided thought Prophet Muhammad. The people with sense of justice found it appropriate that Prophet Muhammad should follow the practice of facing the Qibla of Prophet Ibrahim. But this change will not stop the criticism by people without any qualms, and the direction was changed to stop people who committed injustices from passing critical reviews. Al Quran (2:150)  

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