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24. Commandment to slaughter a cow to find out the murderer

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24. Commandment to slaughter a cow to find out the murderer:

 We find in verses (starting from 2;67 to 2:73) the details of God’s commandment to ‘People of Israel’ to slaughter a cow to detect find out a murderer.

During Prophet Musa’s time a person was murdered, and people of his community wanted to find who was the perpetrator, and asked Prophet Musa to help them find the assassin. God directed Prophet Musa to tell his community people to slaughter a cow and throw a piece of the carcass on the murdered when he will come to life identify the person who killed him.

Slaughtering any cow would have been quite sufficient, they burdened themselves with unnecessary questions. Due to this incidence narrated in this chapter it was named as ‘The Cow’ 

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