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83. AL MUTHAFFIFEEN - (Dishonest in measuring and weighing)

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Chapter :83

Al-Mutaffifin – Dishonest in measuring and weighing.

Total verses :36

As the first verse of this chapter mentions about the dishonest in measuring and weighing, it is named, ‘Mutaffifeen’.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1 .Woe to those who give less in measure and weight.

2 . When they buy from the people measuring, get  it in full.

3 .And when they give either by measuring or by weighing, give less.

4,5. Should they not think that they will be resurrected on a great day26.

6 .On that day, people will stand before the God of the worlds.

7 .Not so. Indeed, the record of the sinners is in ‘Sijjeen’434.

8 .And how do you know, what is meant by ‘sijjeen’434.

9 .That is a written record sheet.

10 .Woe, on that day, for those who considered it a lie.

11 .They considered the Day1 of judgement  a lie.

12 .And no one except every sinful transgresser will consider it a lie.

13 . If Our verses are recited to him, he says, “These are tales of our forefathers”.

14 .Not so, rather, whatever they have done has been set as a rust in their minds.

15 .Not so, indeed, on that day, they will be prevented from their God.

16 .Then, they will char in the hell.

17 .Then(it) will be said, “It is this which you considered  a lie”.

18 .Not so, the record of the righteous will be in ‘Illiyin’434.

19 .And how do you know what is meant by ‘Illiyin’434?

20 .That is a written record.

21.Those who are close (angels) will see it.

22 .Indeed, the righteous will be in happiness.

23 .They will be observing,reclining on, from the elevated couches.

24 .You will know from their faces the flourishing radiance of pleasure.

25 .They will be given to drink sealed wine.

26 .That seal will be  musk. Those who compete will compete only in this,

27 .And its mixture is the water called ‘Tasneem’.

28 .It is a spring drunk by those nearer to God.

29 .Indeed, those who committed crimes have been laughing at the believers (in the world).

30. And, they have been mocking by exchanging glances while passing them.

31. And, when they went to their families , they went feeling happy.

32. And when they saw (the righteous) then, they said, “Indeed, these are misguided.”

33. And they had not been sent as observers over them.

34. On that Day1, the believers will laugh at those who disbelieve (only one God).

35. They will  (Recline), observing from elevated couches.

36. (It will be asked), “Will not the disbelievers be given reward for what they used to do?”

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