104. AL HUMAZA - (The slanderer)

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Chapter : 104

Al-Humazah – The slanderer

Total verses :9

As the first verse of the chapter mentions the word ‘Al-Humazah’ it is named ‘Al-Humazah’.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. Woe to every slanderer and backbiter.

2. He gathers wealth and calculates it.

3. He thinks that his wealth will make him last for ever.

4. Not so. He will be thrown into ‘Huthama’.

5. And what can make you know what ‘Huthama’ is?

6. It is a fire lit by Allah.

7. Indeed, That will reach the minds.

8,9. Indeed, it will surround them in high pillars.

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