This is the Book of God
Before approaching the Holy Quran we should be aware of certain fundamental details regarding it.
Even though Muslims believe that the Holy Quran is the Book of God, there are others who assume that it is written by the Prophet (pbuh) himself. It is a wrong thinking.
According to Islamic faith, this Holy Quran had been revealed to Prophet (pbuh) and was conveyed to the people.
The Holy Quran itself declares clearly that not even a single utterance of the Prophet (pbuh) has been included in the Holy Quran (Refer Verses: 10:15, 10:37, 37:38, 11:13, 11:35, 16:101-103, 69:44-46)
No Contradiction
Certain people assume that the Quranic revelation has been an imagination of the prophet (pbuh)
There exists proper reason to prove that the Quran has not been produced by the prophet (pbuh).
Generally, we find contradiction in the speech of the human-being. Thought it is possible for the human-being to speak carefully, for one or two days, without contradiction, it is impossible to speak for years together without any contradiction.
If we make a study of the entire speech of an eminent scholar for period of five years we can find many contradictions in his speech on various matters as listed below.
• Forgetting what he has spoken earlier
• Getting a correct understanding of a matter which he has wrongly understood earlier.
• Talking carelessly due to the occurrence of grief, loss, etc.,
• Adopting an approach of conciliation in order that others’ sentiments should not be hurt or to get certain favour from the people.
• Defects like amnesia caused by old age.
• Fearing consequences of the crisis adopting double standards.
As there remain a lot of weaknesses for a human-being no one can avoid speaking in a contradictory manner.
On the other hand the prophet (pbuh) had taught the Holy Quran for twenty three years little by little. If it had been his own imagination then there could have been a lot of contradictions in his speech for twenty three years. There are no contradictions in the Holy Quran.
Such contradictions pointed above are avoided only because it is a Word of God, who is free from all weaknesses.
The Holy Quran throws challenge at the human beings of the whole world to search for contradiction in it. (Refer Quran 4:82)
High Standard
The prophet (pbuh) introduced the teachings of the Holy Quran to the people. If it is to be the revelation of God then it should contain teachings and messages in a high standard, unlike the teachings and messages of human-beings.
The non-Muslim scholars and researchers who made a thorough study of the Holy Quran have appreciated the exalted style and excellent standard of the Holy Quran. This is the reason that the Holy Quran has been honored for its high literary value in the Arabic literature.
Unlike any renowned literature piece, that contains many lies, exaggerated descriptions and imaginations, the Holy Quran, which is a ‘Word’ of God, far surpasses any human endeavor in linguistic excellence and perfection and contains the following aspects.
• No Lies
• No contradiction
• No vulgarity
• No exaggerated description
• No mixture of imagination
• Neither escapism nor evasion
• No exaggerated praise of kings and patrons
Eminent literacy scholars of those days were astounded by the high literary standard of the Holy Quran, which possesses only truth and is devoid of certain aspects usually adds taste to the literature and creates interest in the minds of the people.
For creating such a Book of high standard, the prophet (pbuh) should not only have been a great scholar of Arabic but also knowledgeable in the previous literary works.
The surprising fact is that the prophet (pbuh) could neither write nor read (Refer Quran 29:48, 7:157, 158 & 62:2)
Moreover the standard of Quran is so high that it could not have been imagined by an unlettered person who was neither a scholar of Arabic literature nor a knowledgeable person, who had been familiar with the literary works of those times. Hence, there is no doubt that the Holy Quran is the Book of God.
A literature which can be understood by a layman
Generally, a book, if it possesses high literary standard, will not usually be read by common people.
To be appreciated by common people, a book should not possess the aspects of high literary standard. Only eminent scholars can appreciate and understand books of high literary standard. Ordinary people cannot understand them.
On the other hand, the Holy Quran, which is a master-piece of fine literary standard, had been understood by the Arabs who could only speak that language. It also attracted the eminent scholars.
The Arabs of the present time, who could understand the Holy Quran are unable to understand the books of high literary standard in Arabic language.
The prophets (pbuh) throw his challenge only on the above basis and proved to the world that such a Book cannot be created by any human being.
It is one more evidence to prove that the Holy Quran was not a product of Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) imagination.
There should be a proper method adopted which would control the meter and lines of any literary work, in order to enhance the rhythm and melody of the work. Only then we feel its melody. On the other hand, there is no such controlled rhyme and meter observed in the Quranic verses. Instead, free verse is adopted here. It seems as if it is similar to prose.
There is also no limit to the number of words for a verse. A verse may contain more than hundred words. Another verse may contain only ten words and sometimes even one word.
Melody cannot be expected from such an arrangement of words. Surprisingly, the style adopted by Quran is such that there is sufficient melody to attract the minds of those who listen to the recitation of Quran.
People who do not know the Arabic language also enjoy the melody of the Quran.
Adopting a style where there is no possibility for the existence of melody, Quran surprises everybody by its melody.
This is another evidence to prove that the Holy Quran is no the Book imagined by the Prophet (Pbuh)
Suitable to all times
The prophet (pbuh) was born in 570 CE
This period was known as Dark Age because the people of that period had been very backward in the field of science. They did not even know that the shape of the earth is round.
A person, living in that period, however genius he might have been, could not predict anything thought could be suitable to the future generation. Anybody who reads his writing after hundred years could easily find out a lot of errors in his writing.
It is because nothing could be predicted a century before, what is going to happen after hundred years.
Even, if book is written jointly by various scholars that will not stand the test of time. That book becomes obsolete within a period of hundred years.
Till date, nobody could prove in the Book anything wrong which had been introduced by the prophet (pbuh) who was unlettered and had lived in the period of dark ages.
As far as the Holy Quran is concerned, it speaks not only about religion but also about other fields, at various places.
While mentioning about the earth, the planetary system, the wonders in the heaven, the geography and astronomy, etc Quran surpasses the eminent scholars and intellectual of this present century in the field of science and in the display of knowledge on various fields.
In addition Quran talks about various things regarding human-beings and other creatures, their inner-structure, the creation of living-things etc. The surprising thing to be noted here is that whatever it speaks, it speaks better than an expert in the field of medical science of this century.
Similarly, it speaks about plants, mountains, rivers, etc. The point to be noted here is that whatever is mentioned in the Quran, which has been revealed before fourteen centuries, matches with the ideas expressed by current scientific facts.
Moreover the Holy Quran has already mentioned about certain things which have been recently discovered.
(Refer page 26 for details)
The people who think about the period of the prophet (pbuh), which has been very backward in the field of science, if they correlate with the things that are mentioned in the Quran, which surpass the knowledge of experts of the current century, will come to a conclusion that whatever is said in Quran is not the word of prophet but it is the Word of God, who knows the past, present and the future.
If anyone does research on the various fields like science, modern inventions, political system, civil and criminal laws, as mentioned in the Holy Quran, he will clearly realize that the laws prescribed in the Quran are far better than the laws enacted by the experts of the current century and in their usefulness also they are more beneficial to the humanity. Even non-Muslims welcome the Quranic laws and wish them to be enacted.
The popularity gained by the Quranic laws among the people of various religions clearly states that the Quranic laws introduced by the prophet (pbuh) are not the laws imagined by him but they are the laws revealed by the God. We observe frequent correction and amendments have been done in the laws enacted by the leading experts. On the other hand in the Holy Quran which has been revealed before fourteen centuries, there is no correction done, till date.
Another evidence to prove that it is the Book of God remains in the wonderful solution it gives to solve the intricate problems of the modern times.
The untouchable which springs from the differences of the race, caste, etc., which could not be solved for centuries, has not only been easily solved but also eradicated by the teachings of the Holy Quran.
Quran has predicted number of things which are going to happen. Many such predictions have already happened.
(Refer page 29 for details and evidences)
All the above things clearly denote that the Quranic words are not the word either imagined or uttered by the prophet (pbuh).
Quran itself throws a challenge at the world if it believes that the Quran has been imagined then let it to bring a chapter like this.
(Refer Holy Quran 2:23, 10:38, 11:13, 17:88, 52:34)
Quran had already predicted that no one could succeed the challenge thrown by it. Nobody has been able to succeed in defeating this challenge for the past fourteen centuries.
The prophet (pbuh) in his life time of twenty three years has spoken more that what we have seen in Quran. All the speeches, actions and approval of the prophet (pbuh) have been recorded and protected.
Any linguistic scholar who does research on the languages of the Quran and the speeches of the prophet (pbuh) can clearly state that they are not the words of a same person. He will find clear differences in the literary standard and style between the two.
Certain researchers, who accept the view that the Quran could not have been produced by the prophet (pbuh), have said that the prophet (pbuh) has learnt it from the Books of the Jews and Christians. Still, a few Christians share this opinion.
It is because both Quran and the Books of the Jews and Christians mentions about the prophets(pbuh) who lived before the prophet Muhammad(pbuh), like Adam (alai), Nooh (alai), Moosa (alai), Yahya (alai), Yaqoob (alai), Dawood (alai), Sulaiman (alai), Isa (alai), etc.
This view is wrong due to many reasons.
It is only Quran which mentions the names of the prophets given above in a proper perspective. In the presentation of their lives there are vast differences between Quran and the other Books of Jews and Christians.
The above mentioned prophets are portrayed in the Books of the Jews and Christians as persons who have indulged in drinking, debauchery and other evil practices. On the other hand Quran portrays them as righteous persons.
Quran mentions only the important aspects of their life which carry necessary lessons, unlike the Books of Jews and Christians.
Quran does not describe the genealogy of the prophets as it is found in the Books of Jews and Christians
It is proved from the above mentioned facts that the prophet (pbuh) never copied from the Books of Jews and Christians.
We then find in the Books of Jews and Christians, their narrations of many historical events and here and there a few teachings. There is no guidance in those Books for all problems faced by an individual in his lifetime. Quran records only certain hints about the historical events from which people can learn. It also gives appropriate solution for all the problems faced by the human-beings. Such solutions for the problems are not given in the Books of Jews and Christians. From this we understand, that there is no basis for the accusation that Quran is a copied version of the Books of Jews and Christians
It is to be noted that like other communities, the people belonging to Jews and Christian communities also embraced Islam in large numbers during the prophet (pbuh) period.
Such people would not have embraced Islam if they had known that Quran had been copied from their Books and would not have accepted the prophet (pbuh) as their guide, finally it is clear beyond that doubt the Holy Quran has been only a revelation from God and it was not produced by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
No expectation of reward from the people
If the prophet (pbuh) had applied his imaginations in producing a Book in the name of God, then he should have expected something in return.
It should also be reflected, regarding the benefits he had gained for having by imagined and informed that Quran was the Book of God.
The prophet (pbuh) became a merchant when he was twenty five years old. He became the richest man of Makkah when he attained the age of forty. He declared that he had become the prophet (pbuh) to the people of Makkah only at this stage.
From this we understand that the prophet, as he had been already rich, had no intention of amassing wealth.
From the day he made the announcement of his selection as the prophet of Allah, he had to endure great ordeals. He had been humiliated tortured and was even expelled from his place. He could have safeguarded himself from being expelled if he had ceased from the propagation of Islam and had his dropped his claim as the prophet of God.
Even that society desired only that type of an action from the prophet (pbuh). On the other hand he left that place empty handed. After he became a prophet, he had not amassed any wealth. Instead he lost everything for the sake of his principles.
After establishing the Islamic rule in Madina, had he wanted, he could have accumulated a lot of wealth. He led only a simple life even there.
• Even at this stage he did not accumulate any wealth for himself
• He did not live in a palace
• He lived in a hut till his death
• He and his family ate only meager food daily which was not sufficient to satisfy their hunger
• Continuously for a month they could satisfy their hunger only by eating a few dates and water. They did not cook anything at home.
• The prophet had only two sheets of cloth, with which he covered his body. He had only one or two dresses to wear on special occasion.
• They did not have even a lamp and spent their nights in darkness
• He could not even redeem his armor, pawned from a Jew for a measure of wheat, when he died.
• He left only a small piece of land, a horse and a few sheep, when he had died. He declared all his properties as the properties of the government and had even forbidden his family members from becoming heirs to his property.
• This impeccable life led by the prophet (pbuh) clearly states that the Quran is not a product of imagination by the Prophet (pbuh).
It is also wrong to assume that the prophet (pbuh) could have used the name of God in order to attain fame among the people. If anybody reads the Quran completely the above doubt will be cleared.
A person who had desired fame would not have used certain words which could have affected his honour and pride.
• I am not aware whether I will be successful or not when I am presented before God.
• God’s treasures are not in my possession. I do not know the hidden.
• I cannot escape from punishment of God if I commit any wrong.
• I am also a man like you
There are also verses recorded in Quran which convey Allah’s warning to the prophet (pbuh). For example, God finds fault with the prophet (pbuh) in the following verse.
“why do you fear the human being without fearing Me”
There are verses in Quran, which admonishes the prophet (pbuh), when he gets angry on his blind companion. Even though the blind companion of the prophet (pbuh) was not aware of the details of the incident, the prophet (pbuh) could not hide it because these verses are the words of God.
The prophet (pbuh), unlike ordinary people who could not digest any humiliation or dishonor, done on them, openly declared such verses carrying the news of such incidents as the words of God.
Even when there were people who would have accepted him as God, due to their excessive love and affection on the prophet (pbuh), the prophet (pbuh) declared that he was only a human-being like others. The above matters have been recorded in the Quran as the revelation of God.
If it is reflected how a man could have imagined and such recorded matters which had admonished him and caused harm to his self-respect, against himself, then it could be understand that Quran was not a product of imagination by the prophet(pbuh).
He disliked the people praising him. He led a very simple life.
• He had no palanquin in his possession to travel like the kings.
• He had no gate-watchman
• He did not allow others to prostrate before him
• He also forbade people from standing up as a mark of respect
• He warned the people not to praise him like those people who praised the prophet Isa (pbuh)
Hence, it is made clear, that he had not used the name of God to attain fame and honor and Quran is undoubtedly the ‘Word’ of God.
This is the Book of God
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