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The people of ‘Aad’ remained in this world which is known for its physical strength. The prophet ‘Hud’ (Peace be upon Him) had been sent to reform the people. God destroyed them by sending a ‘barren wind’ when they refused to heed to the admonition and warnings given to them by the prophet Hud (pbuh).

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


According to Islam Allah created the first man, who is called, Adam (pbuh), from the clay. He is the ‘father’ of all the human beings who have been born in this world. God created a female mate from him.


‘Allah’ is an Arabic word referring only to the God who has created the Universe and maintains it with his Superior Power and Authority.

Even before the Prophet, Arabs had used the word Allah. They had not denoted the idols they have worshipped by this word ‘Allah’

Their belief had been that Allah was the God who had created the world and maintained it and the idols they had worshipped were smaller gods who would help them in getting favors from the Allah.

We have used the word Allah in our translation wherever the word so ‘Allah’ has been recorded in the Quran. Some of the important characteristics of ‘Allah’ are given below:

There is neither spouse nor children to God.

There is neither parent nor brothers and sisters to Allah.

There is nothing which cannot be done by Allah

Allah has no weaknesses like sleep, forgetfulness, tiredness, exhaustion, hunger, thirst, call of nature, old age and disease.

He is free from any need.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Believing in Allah’ under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject – Index)


Alyasa (pbuh) is on the prophets of God. Quranic verses 6:86 and 38:48 refer to him. More detail regarding him is not given (in Quran or Hadith)


The companions of the prophet at Madina

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions, when they expelled from Makka, took refuge in Medina. Those who gave refuge and protection to the expelled people were known as ‘Ansars’.

Each of them took the responsibility of at least one person who had come from Makka. They shared their houses, properties, business, dress and everything equally with the refugee companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

(For more details refer the sub-title ‘Believing in Allah’ under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject-Index)


The vast ground which is situated outside Makka is known as either Arafath or ‘Arafa’

It is an obligation on those who go for Hajj to assemble on the ninth day , in the month of ‘Dhul Hajj’. The Hajj will not be considered performed if the people do not stay in Arafa plain at least for some time. Millions of people will stay there in tents, at the same time. On this day a special speech will be given.(Quran,2:198)


The throne, where the all powerful God sits and rules over the Universe, is known as ‘Arsh’. It is greater than the heavens and the earth. In various places of Quran it is mentioned that the God is sitting on the ‘Arsh’

(For more details refer the sub-title ‘Believing in Allah’ under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject-Index)


He is one of the Prophets of God. He is called ‘Job’ in the Jewish and Christian communities.

He had been tested by various diseases and poverty on the order of God. He lost his family also. By the Mercy of God his disease was cured. He got back his family also. There are some tales written without any evidence, exaggerating the disease incurred by Ayub (PBUH).

(For more details refer the sub-title ‘Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject –Index)

Babil city

The Quranic verses 2:102 mentions about the city. There are differences of opinion regarding the exact location of this city. Majority of the people state that it was a city situated in Iraq.

Baitul Mamoor 

A house of worship in the Heaven.

The Quranic verse, 52:4, mentions that it is a house of worship constructed exclusively for the Angels in the heaven.

The Hadith 3207 in Bukhari states that 70, 000 angels daily perform their prayer and the angels which prayed their once will not go there again. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), has said that it is located in the 7th heaven.

There are certain reports that it is located exactly above the ‘Kabahthullah’. Such reports are unauthentic and weak. As the earth has been rotating and revolving it cannot be above the ‘Kabah’.

Believing & those who have believed 

Such phrases like 'Believing' and 'Those who have believed' have been used in Quran.

It is not a term used in the general sense in Islam. Instead, it means to accept certain specific things whole-heartedly while believing.

According to Islam ‘Believing’ means believing in Allah, The prophets of Allah, the Books sent to the Prophets, the hereafter, the enquiry on the day of the Judgment, the upheaval caused by just before the Day of Judgment, the award of Paradise for the righteous, the punishment of hell given to the evil, the torment in the grave, the fate etc.

(For more details refer the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject-Index)


He is the king appointed by God when Dawud (pbuh) was a soldier in the army. Under his head “Jalooth” a tyrant was defeated. (Quran – 2:247-249).


He was a prophet of God. He was also the father of the prophet Sulaiman (pbuh). Christian calls him David.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)

Dul Kifl 

He was one of the prophets of God. The Quranic verses, 21:85, 38:45, inform about him. No more details are given about him.


Quranic verses 18:83 to 98, states that, he was good emperor who ruled over a great empire.

Dul Kifl

He is one of the prophets of God. The Quranic verses,  21:85, 38:45, inform about him. No more details are given about him.


It is a prayer performed before the sunrise in the early morning. This word also refers to the morning time.


‘Firaun’ who was called ‘Pharaoh’ by the Jews and the Christians was a powerful king. He considered himself God. He tortured and tormented the minority Israelites under his rule. He killed only the males among them.

God sent Musa (pbuh) and Harun (pbuh) to Firaun in order to preach the oneness of God and to raise questions against his cruelty towards the people of Israel.

Even then he did not repent. He and his army were drowned in the sea. The claim of certain people that he was drowned in the river Nile is contrary to view of Quran.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Good - Bad’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


It is one of the obligations that should be performed once in a life time of a Muslim, who are able.

It should be performed only on specific days. Performing circumambulation of ‘Kabah’, praying in the campus of ‘Kabah’, running between the mountain hills of Safa and Marwa, performing certain formalities in Arafa, Musthalifa and Mina are known as ‘Hajj’

(For more details refer the title ‘Worship’ in the subject – Index)


He was the minister of the tyarant Firaun. Elaborate details are not given about him in Quran.

(Quran 28:6, 28:8, 28:38, 29:39, 40:24 and 40:36).


He was a prophet and the brother of Musa (pbuh). Both of them were sent to Firaun to reform him.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)

Haruth - Maruth

Before the period of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) these two were evil people who taught the art of magic to the people.

Certain people claim that these two are angels. As their activities had been against the attributes of the angels, the truth is to believe that they belonged to the human-race.

(For more details refer explanatory notes 357 and 395).


The punishment, awarded to those who did not follow the right way, after the enquiry on the Day of Judgment in the hereafter.

For certain sins people will be tormented in the hell forever.

Except the people who committed the above grave sins others who have committed other sins, if they are pardoned by the Mercy of the God, will go to paradise. If not they shall undergo the punishment for the sins they have committed and then they will go to the paradise.

(For more details refer the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject-Index)


It means hating, avoiding, rejecting. It refers to ‘Sacrifice’ in the Islamic.

Migration of a person, leaving his home, property, relations, friends, to a new place in order to safeguard the Islamic principles, when he finds that the situation in his native place is not conducive to lead a normal life, is known as ‘Hijrath’.

In the initial stages of Islam some people from Makkah. Performed Hijra to Abyssinia. Some of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) performed ‘Hijra’ to Madina. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also performed ‘Hijra’ to Madina.

The Hijra year of this Muslims begins with the event of ‘Hirjah’ of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The first year of the hijra falls at the 53rd age of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is only when he attained the age 53, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) performed his ‘Hijra’ to Madina.

(For more details refer under the title ‘Politics’ in the subject – Index)


Hud (pbuh) was the prophet who was sent to reform the people of ‘Aad’ who were incomparable among the human-beings created by God.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)

Hoorul Iyn

They are the mates for the people of the paradise.

(For more details refer explanatory note 8).


It is the name of a bird which brought the information to Sulaiman (pbuh), regarding the rule of a Queen in the neighboring country. The Quranic verse 27:20 refers to this incident.


It means ‘staying’. According to Islamic belief, staying in the Mosque either for some time or for a few days, with the intention of remembering the God, by performing invocation and prayer is known as Itikaf.

When a person decides to observe I’thikaf for a day then he should not engage himself in any worldly activity including business transactions etc.,

Even though asceticism is forbidden in Islam, such as act of keeping oneself away from the worldly activities for a few days, without affecting either his family or the world, is permitted. A person who has cut off temporarily all his connections from the world for a fews days will act in a matured manner, when he comes out of the mosque. The Quranic verse 2:187 states that such an act will be beneficial for both his family and the world.


He had been righteous before the creation of Adam (pbuh), the first man. He belongs to the “Jinn’ race which was created from ‘Fire’.

Allah ordered everybody to respect Adam (peace be upon him), the first man. Except Iblees all the angels paid their respect to Adam (pbuh). He considered it to be below his dignity and refused to obey the command of Allah. He sought the permission from God to lead the human-being astray. God gave him permission after stating, “You cannot lead astray those who believe Me completely. You can lead astray only such people who are enslaved by their desires.” The progeny of Iblees are known as Shaitans.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Other Belief’ under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject – Index).


 Among the prophets of God, Ibrahim (PBUH) was the one who received maximum blessings from God. Even though he was not given many miracles like other prophets of God, Allah has raised his status to a greater level.

He was the predecessor of not only the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) but also to other prophets of God like Isaac, Yaqub, Dawud, Sulaiman, Ayub, Yusuf, Musa and Isa (Peace be upon all).

He has been respected and admired by the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims. The Jews and Christians call him ‘Abraham’

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


It is a period of postponing the marriage either by a widow or by a divorced woman.

The woman who has lost her husband has to observe “Iddah” for a period of four months and ten days and the divorced woman has to observe ‘Iddah” till 3 menstrual periods are over.

(For more details refer the explanatory notes 69 and 360.)


He is one of the prophets of God. Quranic verses 19:56 and 21:85, refer to him. We do not get elaborate details about him in the Quran. Ihraam. It is a ‘Oath’ taken during the beginning of the performance of either Hajj or ‘Umrah’. When a person is in Ihram he has to wear only the white unstitched dress.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Hajj’ under the title ‘Worship’ in the subject – Index).


He is one of the messengers of God. He is addressed as ‘Ilyasin’ in Quran. (Quran,37:130).Except that he preached polytheism , there is not much found in Quran about him.(Quran,37:123,6:85). Imran He is the father of Maryam (pbuh), the mother of the prophet Isa (pbuh).

The Quranic verses 3:33, 3:35 and 66:12 refer to him in three places. An elaborate detail about him is not given in the Quran.


This is referred in Quran as the Book revealed to Isa (Peace be upon him).

The ‘Bible’ as claimed by the Christians as the Book of God is not ‘Injeel’. The Bible is actually a message written by others about Isa (PBUH). Injeel is actually a revelation of guidance to

Isa (PBUH) by God.

Even in the Bible it is mentioned, “Isa preached the revelation of God” such revelation God is not found among the present day Christians. We come to know that ‘Injeel’ existed during the period of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from the statement of Quran. The Quranic verse 5:47, states “Yet,  give judgment in accordance with ‘Injeel”. We also consider that ‘Injeel’ was hidden later.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Believing in Books’ under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject – Index)


The Quran calls Isa (pbuh) as the prophet of God unlike the Christians who consider him as the son of God.

Islam accepts certain miracles performed by Isa (pbuh) and his miraculous birth without a father. Quran emphasizes that as there is no possibility of God having a son, Isa (pbuh) is also one of the prophets of God.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


He was another son of Ibrahim (pbuh). There are no elaborate details about him in Quran except that he is a prophet of God. Quran states that along with the other prophets he was also a righteous man.


Ismail (pbuh) who is the son of Ibrahim (pbuh) is also a prophet of God. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the descendant of Ismail (pbuh). He is addressed as “Ishmael” by the Jews and Christians.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


Issac (pbuh) was the son of Ibrahim (pbuh). Yaqub who was the son of Issac (pbuh) was known as Israel. As the Israelites were the progeny of Yaqub, they were called the children of Israel. The Christians address him as Israel, Yaqub and Jacob. (For more details refer the sub- title ‘Prophets’, under the title ‘History’ in the subject- index).


It is a variety of silk dress worn in paradise. It will be thicker than any other silk dresses.(Quran,18:31,44:53,76:21).


He was a tyrannical king. He was killed by Dawud (pbuh) in the battle (Quran – 2:249 to 251).

Jannath- Paradise & Garden

After the complete destruction of this world all the people would be presented before the God and enquiry would be conducted. The paradise is the reward awarded to the Righteous who believed in the God and His prophets and followed the way shown by them.

A person who enters the paradise would remain there forever. He will get whatever he wants. They shall enjoy happiness without any sorrow, tiredness, problem and mental worry. (For complete details regarding the ‘Paradise’ refer subtitle ‘The day of Khiyamah’ under the title Doctrine in the subject-index column).


Refer the word ‘Ruh’


Quran refers to creation of the race called Jinn in various places. They will not be visible to the eyes of the human-being as they are created from fire.

On the other hand, they have been given the power of reasoning like the human-beings. They will also be rewarded with paradise and punished in hell.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Other Beliefs’ under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject – Index)


Quran verses 3:96 states that Kabah was the house of God constructed by Adam (phub), the first man, in order to worship God.

We learn form this that Adam (pbuh) lived only here.

The building of Kabah had sufficient space for Adam and his children to perform their prayer. At present, as the number of people praying at ‘Kabah’ has increased, the people assembled outside the small building to perform their prayer. The campus around the building is known as Masjidul Haraam (Holy Mosque). After the death of Adam (pbuh) the ‘Kabah’ was ruined. After that, Ibrahim (pbuh) at the command of the God, went to that place and settled his wife and his son Ismail (pbuh).

Zam Zam well, which was formed miraculously, caters to the need of millions of people everyday.

Ibrahim (pbuh) and his son Ismail (pbuh) reconstructed the house of God, ‘Kabah’ again.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Places’ and ‘Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


It is one of the idols worshipped during the prophet’s (pbuh) period by the polytheists at Makka. (Quran – 53:19).


He was one of the prophets and a contemporary of the prophet Ibrahim (pbuh). He was appointed as the prophet for the people who lived in a different area.

His people were not only polytheists but also indulged in the most hated practice of homosexuality. He was sent to reform such people.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


It is a city where Shuaib (pbuh) lived. The people of the city were adopting fraudulent methods in the measuring and weighing the commodities. They were also polytheists. They were destroyed because they never heeded the admonition and warning of God.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Places and The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index).


Angels - It is recorded in the Quran that there is a race called ‘Angel’ in the creation of God.

Angels are created from light. There is no gender among them. Except the prophets of God others cannot see them.

Under the control of God, they execute all the work ordered by God.

(For more details regarding ‘Angel’ refer the title ‘Angel’ under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject – Index)


During the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) time ‘Manath’, which was an idol is worshipped by the polytheists in Makka (Quran 52:20) Mannu – Salwa They were two food items sent especially by God from the heaven to the people of Musa (pbuh). There are no elaborate details given either in Quran or in Hadeeth regarding it. Still the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), has said that ‘Mannu’ is related to the food item called mushroom (Bukhari 4478, 4639 & 5708)

There is no benefit in knowing the identity of that food items. It is sufficient to know that God provided them food adopting as special procedure. (Quran 2:57, 7:160, 20:80)


She is the mother of Isa (pbuh). Christians call her Mary. She is praised in Quran

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Good people – Bad people’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


Refer the word “Isa” Masharul Haraam A mountain rock

It is a rock on a mountain situated on the ground called “Mustalifa” outside Makka (Quran 2:198)

Masjidul Haraam

Refer the word “Kabah”


He is an angel who is considered to be second in order after Jibrail. Details regarding his duty are not given in Quran (Quran - 2:98).


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was exiled from his native place Makkah and took refuge in Madina. At Madina, his preaching of Islam attracted more number of people and they embraced Islam in large number. Thus the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) became the ruler of Madina.

Certain people who had been ruling over Madina, before the coming of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) embraced Islam for their selfish motives and with the intention of causing harm to the Muslims, They did not accept Islam in their minds.

Such people attended the prayer at the Mosque like other Muslims. They also participated in the wars. At the same time, they would pass on the information regarding the Muslim at Madina to the enemies of Muslims.

Such people are addressed as hypocrites in Quran.

(For more details regarding this plot of the hypocrites refer sub- title ‘Hypocrites’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject-index).


He was a prophet, whose name is mentioned more number of times than any other name in the Quran. Jews and Christians address him as “Moses”. He preached against the tyrant Firaun. God spoke directly with him.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


It should be performed only on specific days. Performing circumambulation of ‘Kabah’, praying in the campus of ‘Kabah’, running between the mountain hills of Safa and Marwa, performing certain formalities in Arafa, Musthalifa and Mina are known as ‘Hajj’

(For more details refer the title ‘Worship’ in the subject – Index)


God selects from the people able persons and sends his revelation through them in order to guide the people in the right way. Such people are called the Prophets of God in Islam.

Nothing is mentioned regarding the exact number of prophets sent by God either in Quran or in authentic Hadees.

All the prophets who had been sent lived a normal life like any other person. They were not given any attribute of God because they had been selected as the prophets. The honour that had been conferred upon the prophets was that they received the revelation from the God.

The observation of certain people that the prophets are different from the Messengers is without any proper evidence. (For more details refer the sub-heading Prophets, Messenger under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject-index)

Nabi- Messengers & Prophets The word ‘Nabi’ means ‘Prophet’. According to Islamic tradition the ‘Nabi’ is a person who received message from the God and informs it to the people.

The exact number of prophets is neither given in the Quran nor in the authentic Hadeeses.

Certain people claim that Prophets are different from the messengers. They belong to two different grades. This is a baseless view.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Believing in the Prophets’ under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject – Index)


He was one of the prophets of God. He was a prophet sent in the earlier period. He is senior to all the prophets except Adam (pbuh) and Idris (Pbuh). He lived for 950 years.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


He belonged to the generation of Musa (pbuh). God gave him plenty of wealth. God mentioned that the keys of his treasuries were carried by a strong army.

God destroyed him by burying him and his wealth due to his arrogance, pride and transgression.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Good people – Bad people’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


Qibla means ‘facing’ and the target to be faced. The direction towards which we turn our faces while praying to Allah is known as Qibla. Muslims have been ordered to pray facing the direction of ‘Kabah’, the first House of Allah.

It should be remembered that facing Kabah while praying does not mean that Muslim worship the building. It has no power.

Without any direction no work can be performed. Hence Muslims are asked to face in the direction of Kabah during the prayer.

When many people assemble at a place they cannot pray in the direction of their own wish. By having a particular direction an order is established.

Certain people in India think that Muslims pray at the west direction. As the ‘Kabah’ is situated in the western direction of India, Muslims in India face that direction. Muslims who live in other countries face different directions while praying.

The people of Kabah perform their prayer from all the direction.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Salat the Prayer’ under the title ‘Worship’ in the subject – Index)


During the festival of Hajj, Muslim slaughter sheep, cow and camels in the name of Allah. This act of sacrificing the animals is known as Qurbani.

It should not be assumed that the meat of the sacrificed animals will reach the God. The Quranic verse,. 22:37 states that neither the blood nor the meat of the slaughtered animals reaches the God.

The Islamic principle is that if any worship which is related to wealth should be beneficial to the poor.

Hence, in order that the poor should celebrate their festival with happiness and to remember the sacrifice of Ibrahim (pbuh) this Qurbani of slaughtering animals is made obligatory.

Ruh, Ruhu Khudus

Jibrail is the leader of the Angels. He is referred by various names like Ruh, Ruhul Qudus in the Quran; ‘Ruh’ means ‘Soul’ and ‘Ruhul Qudus’ means ‘Purified Soul’.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Believing in the Angels’ under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject – Index).


It means ‘Submission’. This is used in Quran to mean bending/bowing while performing the prayer. It is also meant as one of the different postures to be adopted in performing the prayer. The meaning changes depending on the context


It is a community of people which lives righteously even though they are not sent with either the prophet of the God or the message about the guidance of the prophet.

They will understand with the knowledge given by God that there is only one God for the world and the things which are made by man cannot be God.

They will also apply their reason in distinguishing between the wrong from the right and the right from the wrong. They will follow only whatever is right.

They only do not know about the methods to be adopted while praying to God. Even before the birth of the Prophet (Sal) there were communities which refrained from worshipping the idols.

In the book of Bukhari the Hadeeth number 344, it is mentioned that the enemies of the prophet (Sal) addressed the prophet as Sabiyeen when he preached the oneness of God. They also called (Refer Bukhari 3522) those who joined the religion preached by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sabiyeens.

Even today there is a possibility that the guidance of the prophet may not have reached certain people. They can live as sabiyeen with the knowledge given to them. It they do not live in that manner then they will be punished (Quran 2-62, 22:17 5:69)

Safa, Marwa 

They are mountain rocks at Makka. Ibrahim (pbuh) left his wife and his small baby Ismail (pbuh) in the desert of Makka at God’s command. When the baby became thirsty and cried, the wife of Ibrahim (pbuh) wandered between the two mountains of rocks in order to see the arrival of any caravans. She wanted to get water from the people of the caravan to quench the thirst of the baby. Allah originated a spring near the baby miraculously. (Refer - Bukhari - 8364 and 3365).

It has the characteristic of retaining its purity. It will not become impure. It does not get dried and exhausted even though millions of people daily use it and carry it in vessels to distant places. It is one of the Signs to prove that Islam is a true religion.

Those who perform ‘Hajj’ and ‘Umra’, as a sign of respect for the sacrifice by the wife of Ibrahim (pbuh), running between the two mountain rocks like the wife of the prophet Ibrahim (pbuh). Quranic verse 2-158) states this great sacrifice of staying all alone in a desert is respected by God and He has made it obligatory for the people who perform the Hajj and Umra.

Sajda – Sujud

The dictionary meaning is  submission or submit.

These words refer to the posture in the prayer in various places.

‘Sajda’ means, while praying reciting invocation of certain words praising God in the posture where the persons forehead, the nose, two knees, the tips of the fingers of the two legs and the palm touch the ground.

It can be done outside the prayer also.

Salam It means peace, calmness and relief. It is a greeting in Islam exchanged when a person meets another person.

(For more details refer the explanatory notes 159)

Salath- Prayer

Prayer is one of the important obligations on the Muslims.

It is a worship performed in different postures like standing, bending, prostrating and sitting. In the above mentioned postures recitation of Quranic verses and other invocations are carried out

The prayer has to performed five times everyday on specified times. In addition those who are willing can perform additional prayer whenever they find time and get the blessing of the God.

(For more details refer the title ‘Prayer’ under the heading ‘Worship’ in the subject-Index).


He was a prophet sent to reform the people of ‘Tamud’ who were known for their strength

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


He lived during the period of the prophet Musa (pbuh). When Musa (pbuh) went to the Mount  Tur at the command of the God, Samiry made a calf-shaped idol using the gold available with the people of Musa (pbuh). He misguided them by stating the  calf-shaped idol as God.

(For more details refer the explanatory note 19)

Saum- Fasting

‘Fasting’ controls the people from eating, drinking and from indulging in sex from dawn till the sunset, for the sake of God.

‘Fasting’ is an obligation which has to be observed in the month of Ramdan, every year. It is also denoted as compensation for certain wrongs.

(For more details refer the sub title ‘Fasting’ under the title ‘Worship’ in the Subject – Index).


Refer the word ‘Iblis’

Shirk- Associating partner

Islam says that Allah is the only one God who has created the whole universe, protects and sustains it. The basic Doctrine of Islam is “There is no one and nothing is equal to Allah.”

Islam denotes the word ‘Shirk’ (i.e. association of partners to God) as the belief in many gods, the belief that the attributes and power which belong to Allah, the only one God, are possessed by others and performing the invocation, prayer and worship to others, instead of God.

Islam states that such association of partners to God is the greatest crime, and if those who have associated partners die without mending themselves from their wrong principles then there is no forgiveness for them. They have to stay in the hell forever. (For more details refer the sub- title ‘Belief in Allah’ under the title subject- index).


He was a prophet of God who preached against the polytheism and the practice of fraudulent activities prevailing, in measuring and weighing, among his people

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)

Sijrathul Munthaha 

‘Sijrath’ means ‘lot tree’ and ‘Munthaha’ means for the extreme border. It is the name of the huge tree grown in the sixth heaven (Quran 53:14, 16).

The leaf of the tree will be big and in the shape of the elephant’s ear. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had stated that there were many glittering colors that attracted his attention when he had an opportunity to see it (Bukhari 347,  3207, 3342, 3387).


It is an instrument which will make sound if it is blown.

God will make the ‘Sur’ to be blown. After the ‘Sur’ is blown for the first time the earth will be destroyed (Quran 6:73, 36:49, 39:68, 50:20, 69:13#18, 79:6,7). When the ‘Sur’ is blown for the second time all the people will be raised alive (Quran 18:99, 20:102, 23:101, 27:87, 36:51, 36:53, 37:19, 50:42, 74:8#10, 78:18, 79:7, 79:13). The word ‘Sur’ refers only to these events.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘Believing in the Hereafter’ under the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject – Index)


He was one of the prophets of God. He was the son of prophet Dawud (pbuh) who was also a king like him. No one was bestowed with such a great rule as it had been bestowed upon Sulaiman (pbuh). The Jews and the Christians address him as “Solomon”.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


It is a silk dress to be worn by the people of paradise (Quran – 18:31, 44:53 and 76:21)


Refer the explanatory notes 56.


The people of Salih (pbuh) are known as ‘Tamud’. They lived in the caves carved out of the mountains.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


It is a Book revealed to Musa (pbuh) by God. Even though there is no mention of ‘Taurath’ being revealed to Musa (pbuh) in the Quran, we find evidence to prove that differ it was revealed to Musa (pbuh) in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


It means circumambulation. Duiring ‘Tawaf’ a person should start his round from the left side of the Kabah. He should do likewise seven times. This is one of the aspects of ‘Hajj’ and ‘Umra’.


Quranic verses 44:37, 50:14 state that the people of “Tuppah” were destroyed because of their crimes. No more details are given about them.


After going to Makka performing such acts like doing circum-ambulation of ‘Kabah’ praying within the boundary of ‘Kabah’, running between the mountains of Safa and Marwa is called ‘Umra’. Umra can be performed at any time. During this performance, only unstitched dresses can be worn. Such activites like having sex, hunting, etc have to be avoided during this period.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


It is the name of an idol which was worshipped by the polytheists during the period of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). – Ref: Quran 53:19


It means ‘revelation’. According to Islam God reveals this message to his prophets to be conveyed to the people.

(For details refer the explanatory note 359).


Refer the word “Israel”

Yajuj –Majuj

It is a name of a race. These people had been indulging in atrocities during the period of “Zulqarnain”and emperor who ruled over a vast empire. The Quranic verses, 18:94, 21:96, state that Zulkarnain erected a wall made of iron and copper between two mountains and prevented them from crossing over to the other territory.


The Quranic verse 33:31, mentions that it is a city where the prophet and his companions took refuge after being driven out of Makka.

Later, when the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gradually established his rule, the name of the city was changed into “Madinathun Nabi” (The city of the prophet). In the course of time it is reduced to Madina.


He was the son of the prophet Zakariyya (pbuh) and a prophet himself. He was born when the prophet Zakariyya (pbuh) became very old. The Jews and the Christians address him as John.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


 He was one of the prophets of God. He was given special privileges by God which had not been given to others.

If high tradition and race has to be taken into consideration for evaluating the nobleness of a person then Yusuf (pbuh) fits that place well.

Not only Yusuf (pbuh) was the prophet of God but also his father,

Yaqub (pbuh) who was called ‘Israel’, his grand father Issac  (pbuh) were also the prophets of God.

Regarding the above there are sayings of the prophet Muhammed (pbuh) (Refer – Bukhari Hadis No: 3382, 3390, 4688).

Only his history is narrated in the Quran starting from his early age to elaborately. The chapter ‘Yusuf’ in the Quran contains the narration of the history of Yusuf (pbuh). Allah also praises the history of the life of ‘Yusuf’ as a beautiful one.

We get all the information about him in the chapter ‘Yusuf’


He was one of the prophets of God. The people of Yunus repented, when they had witnessed the signs of destruction, from the God and thereby escaped the punishment of God.

Unaware that God had accepted their repentance and saved them, the prophet Yunus (pbuh) got angry and left his people. So, God punished him in a unique manner.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


Quranic verses 4:163 & 17:55 state that it is a Book revealed to the prophet Dawud (pbuh).


He was the adopted son of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He had been addressed as the son of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) before the revelation by God, that there is no such adopted son in Islam. He is only the companion of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) whose name is mentioned in Quran (Quran 33:27)


He was a prophet who had been sent before 2000 years because he was the guardian for the mother of the prophet Isa (pbuh). There evidences to prove this.

There is a fabricated tale about his death at the hands of the Jews. It is assumed that in order to escape the anger of the killers who chased him, he hid himself inside the trunk of a tree and the murderers killed him when they saw part of his dress visible, by cutting the trunk of the tree into half.

There is no evidence in the Hadith to prove that the Jews killed this prophet Zakariyah (pbuh), even though it is a fact that Jews killed many prophets.

He was popular among his people. A child was bestowed to him only when he became very old. From this also we understand that he would not have been killed by the Jews as described above.

(For more details refer the subtitle ‘The Prophets’ under the title ‘History’ in the subject – Index)


Atheists preach people to forget ‘God’ and remember the human. They cannot criticize Islam regarding the above aspect because Islam has made rendering help to other as obligatory.

Those who possess 87 grams of gold or equivalent amount of cash, silver and materials of trade have to pay 2.5 percent from them which is known as Zakath.

In addition, for the commodities which are produced in a land which is irrigated by means of artificial water,  5% has to be given. For the products from the land which do not require supply of water by artificial means 10% has to be given.

Those who possess forty sheep, thirty bulls and more than five camels have to give the quantity fixed for each variety. For example a sheep out of forty sheep has to be given.

Quranic verse 9:103 mentions that it is compulsory for the Islamic government to extract Zakath. There are many other verses in Quran emphasizing  Zakath.

The rules and regulations regarding the Zakath are found only in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Zakath is a compulsory charity. The amount we spent, in addition to Zakath, in charity is known as ‘Sadaqa’. Quran encourages this in various places.

(For more details refer the title ‘Worship’ in the subject – Index).


It is a tree which serves as food to the people of Hell.

(For more details refer the title ‘Doctrine’ in the subject – Index)

Zaboor – A Book

Quranic verses 4:163 & 17:55 state that it is a Book revealed to the prophet Dawud (pbuh).

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